Day 16:
We welcome you today to open OUR door today, the door of the new PeaceCYCLE headquarters! We have been here now for nearly 6 months and not a day passes in which we don't feel so blessed by our new location. There are plenty of problems and struggles, but the blessings outweigh those.
It is such a joy for each of the workers to arrive at PeaceCYCLE in the mornings, proud of the work they do, wearing their staff shirt, and honored to enter into the beautiful compound, having open space and bright daylight. We have room for composts that are extraordinarily successfully producing great soil, and now we are planting gardens with that soil. We have been able to invite groups to visit for tours, both foreigners and locals alike. We have had several local schools or groups come to learn more about the importance of the environment, and those opportunities continue to empower the employees and instill a pride in them of the work they do and its value to the society.
Today we welcome you virtually to enter into our doors. To see how the reality of employment can change a culture, to see the joy and pride that takes place behind these walls. But we also extend an in-person invitation to visit us if you find yourself in the neighborhood! We'd love for you to experience the joy face-to-face.
Today's Challenge: As you go to work this morning, we encourage you to be joyful. Not only because it is Friday, but because you have the blessing of employment. There are so many people around the world who would sacrifice many things for the chance to have a place to go in the morning where they can contribute to society and receive compensation for that contribution.
Take special note today of the things that make you “belong” at work. Do you have uniforms? Do you wear a badge? Do you have a name-plate on your desk? Do you have protective gear that everyone has in common? Do you all park in the same place? Do you enter the same back entrance? Do you have a specific bathroom only for staff?
We noticed a huge increase in our staff's pride when we had our staff shirts made. That sense of belonging helps restore an often broken and distorted but innate dignity that is within each one of us. We all desire to “belong,” we want to be a part of a “team,” we long to be included in a group. Employment does all of these things, and often we take those things for granted having been a part of innumerate teams and groups over the course of our lives.
Take just a moment today to be thankful for the many and varied groups that have sprinkled your life experiences. Sports teams, work teams, school group projects, clubs, fraternities, associations, volunteer groups, and on and on. Be thankful for a society that offers such units to help us learn social dynamics, teamwork, and forward thinking.
We welcome you today to open OUR door today, the door of the new PeaceCYCLE headquarters! We have been here now for nearly 6 months and not a day passes in which we don't feel so blessed by our new location. There are plenty of problems and struggles, but the blessings outweigh those.
It is such a joy for each of the workers to arrive at PeaceCYCLE in the mornings, proud of the work they do, wearing their staff shirt, and honored to enter into the beautiful compound, having open space and bright daylight. We have room for composts that are extraordinarily successfully producing great soil, and now we are planting gardens with that soil. We have been able to invite groups to visit for tours, both foreigners and locals alike. We have had several local schools or groups come to learn more about the importance of the environment, and those opportunities continue to empower the employees and instill a pride in them of the work they do and its value to the society.
Today we welcome you virtually to enter into our doors. To see how the reality of employment can change a culture, to see the joy and pride that takes place behind these walls. But we also extend an in-person invitation to visit us if you find yourself in the neighborhood! We'd love for you to experience the joy face-to-face.
Today's Challenge: As you go to work this morning, we encourage you to be joyful. Not only because it is Friday, but because you have the blessing of employment. There are so many people around the world who would sacrifice many things for the chance to have a place to go in the morning where they can contribute to society and receive compensation for that contribution.
Take special note today of the things that make you “belong” at work. Do you have uniforms? Do you wear a badge? Do you have a name-plate on your desk? Do you have protective gear that everyone has in common? Do you all park in the same place? Do you enter the same back entrance? Do you have a specific bathroom only for staff?
We noticed a huge increase in our staff's pride when we had our staff shirts made. That sense of belonging helps restore an often broken and distorted but innate dignity that is within each one of us. We all desire to “belong,” we want to be a part of a “team,” we long to be included in a group. Employment does all of these things, and often we take those things for granted having been a part of innumerate teams and groups over the course of our lives.
Take just a moment today to be thankful for the many and varied groups that have sprinkled your life experiences. Sports teams, work teams, school group projects, clubs, fraternities, associations, volunteer groups, and on and on. Be thankful for a society that offers such units to help us learn social dynamics, teamwork, and forward thinking.