Day 22:
We invite you in to see our current gift shop and workshop, such a bright and spacious place compared to our old place.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the day that we were robbed. So much was taken on that day, not only every bit of cash to pay for Christmas and beyond and many material goods, but also our feeling of safety, confidence in our community, and hope for the future.
The staff was told of the news the following day and were informed that we would shut down the workshop for a month or two until we could recuperate and discern if we should continue. They quickly responded that they wanted to continue working even if they could not be paid. They worked until mid February when funds allowed us to resume pay and give them the back-pay they deserved.
We are so happy to report that one year later we are feeling so blessed. We are thankful for your continued encouragement and support. In addition to being in a safer and more beautiful location, we are also thriving with a staff that has felt empowered as they have worked through many trials and been able to see the joys that come after the difficult times. The trials are not over, not by any means, as a matter of fact, they continue on a daily basis, but we are stronger in knowing that we can overcome.
We were so overwhelmingly encouraged one year ago by the outpouring of continued support from you, our friends, that we knew we had to go one. It was made clear that this incident could not keep us down, that we would persevere. Thank you for being a part of our cheer squad and keeping us afloat when things seemed too much.
We want to reach out and encourage any of our PeaceCYCLE friends who are struggling today as Christmas approaches. We're praying for peace for you, and want to remind you that there is hope, and there is reason for rejoicing, even when things seem dark.
Today's Challenge: Be gentle. Someone may seem cruel, impatient, short tempered, or anti-social today. You have no idea what battles they are fighting. Some people are dealing with intense financial pressures, diagnosis in their family, or tension with their employer. It has been a year of loss for some. Many have lost loved ones to illness, jobs to company cutbacks, homes damaged in storms, or maybe they have simply lost hope. We encourage everyone to be gentle with their friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, give them some leeway and forgiveness. This time of year can come with many wonderful joys, but also many stressors are triggered. Be the one to share peace in a simple way, by simply giving people the benefit of the doubt.
We invite you in to see our current gift shop and workshop, such a bright and spacious place compared to our old place.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the day that we were robbed. So much was taken on that day, not only every bit of cash to pay for Christmas and beyond and many material goods, but also our feeling of safety, confidence in our community, and hope for the future.
The staff was told of the news the following day and were informed that we would shut down the workshop for a month or two until we could recuperate and discern if we should continue. They quickly responded that they wanted to continue working even if they could not be paid. They worked until mid February when funds allowed us to resume pay and give them the back-pay they deserved.
We are so happy to report that one year later we are feeling so blessed. We are thankful for your continued encouragement and support. In addition to being in a safer and more beautiful location, we are also thriving with a staff that has felt empowered as they have worked through many trials and been able to see the joys that come after the difficult times. The trials are not over, not by any means, as a matter of fact, they continue on a daily basis, but we are stronger in knowing that we can overcome.
We were so overwhelmingly encouraged one year ago by the outpouring of continued support from you, our friends, that we knew we had to go one. It was made clear that this incident could not keep us down, that we would persevere. Thank you for being a part of our cheer squad and keeping us afloat when things seemed too much.
We want to reach out and encourage any of our PeaceCYCLE friends who are struggling today as Christmas approaches. We're praying for peace for you, and want to remind you that there is hope, and there is reason for rejoicing, even when things seem dark.
Today's Challenge: Be gentle. Someone may seem cruel, impatient, short tempered, or anti-social today. You have no idea what battles they are fighting. Some people are dealing with intense financial pressures, diagnosis in their family, or tension with their employer. It has been a year of loss for some. Many have lost loved ones to illness, jobs to company cutbacks, homes damaged in storms, or maybe they have simply lost hope. We encourage everyone to be gentle with their friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, give them some leeway and forgiveness. This time of year can come with many wonderful joys, but also many stressors are triggered. Be the one to share peace in a simple way, by simply giving people the benefit of the doubt.